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Results 1 - 10 of 61 (page 1 of 7)
Social media in the marketing context : a state of the art analysis and future directions / Cherniece J. Plume, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Emma L. Slade.
Succeed with social media like a creative genius : a guide for artists, entrepreneurs, inventors, and kindred spirits / Brainard Carey.
Understanding social media : how to create a plan for your business that works / Damian Ryan.
Myths of social media : dismiss the misconceptions and use social media effectively in business / Michelle Carvill, Ian MacRae.
Social media marketing for business : scaling an integrated social media strategy across your organization / Andrew Jenkins.
Social media success for every brand : the five storybrand pillars that turn posts into profits / Claire Diaz-Ortiz.
Think before you engage : 100 questions to ask before starting a social media marketing campaign / Dave Peck.
One million followers : how I built a massive social following in 30 days : growth hacks for your business, your message, and your brand from the world's greatest minds / Brendan Kane.
Social media intelligence / Wendy W. Moe (University of Maryland, College Park), David A. Schweidel (Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia).
The social commerce handbook : 20 secrets for turning social media into social sales / Paul Marsden, Paul Chaney.

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